Feedback From a Sleep Consultant

Caroline Heming Shares Her Experiences

This testimonial from Caroline Heming, a sleep consultant, reached us via email today, along with the request to share it with all parents so everybody can benefit from it. We are always deeply touched by stories like this.

Dear Caroline, we are happy to oblige! Thank you so much!

Are electric spring cradles a curse or a blessing?

I have often asked myself this question. So, I decided to buy the electric spring cradle by swing2sleep for my second son. I would like to share my experience and thoughts on it with you.

Many things change with the second child.

In particular, the fact that you cannot focus on the new arrival as much as you could on your firstborn. The swing2sleep has been a great help and support, especially during the times when my little boy cried so much.

I use it mainly when the outer circumstances don’t allow me enough time or peace to deal with the required sleep procedure, e.g., when my older son needs a lot of attention in those moments, when visitors are in the house, when I am mentally overwhelmed etc.

My little one loves it and sleeps 2 to 3 hours at a stretch. 

This, apparently, bears the “danger” of using it all the time. However, I would not advocate that. Because, naturally, children get used to the cradle and, particularly, to the constant movement. But as long as you don’t let the babies take every day-nap in it, the spring cradle will not be so much of a “danger” but a massive relief. And if it happened that the child gets too used to the motorized sleep, that could be fixed easily. The motor’s speed is adjustable. So, you can reduce the movement over time and stop it completely at some point. After that, making the transition from the cradle to the bed will be only a small step.

I, personally, consider peace of mind to be of paramount importance. And when you are overwhelmed because of a colicky baby or their siblings, I recommend to rather revert to such aids than letting yourself or your children suffer from overburdening. Because only a relaxed mom can give her children loving and stress-less attention.

Therefore, I can – in good conscience – recommend the swing2sleep, especially when the circumstances at home are very demanding. 

As with everything in life the rule of thumb is: Everything in moderation. If you keep that in mind, there is absolutely nothing to be said against this great aid.

The electric spring cradle can be bought or rented.

In addition, I would like to stress that I have no cooperation with swing2sleep in any form, i.e. I recommend it of my own free will.”

Caroline Helming of

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Maria Carlson

Copenhagen, Denmark