“We make parenting easier for new families across the world.” 

 Sleep Deprived? You're Not Alone

The hardest aspect of transitioning to life with a newborn was dealing with a lack of sleep. I'm Maik Schwede, creator of the original Swing2Sleep motorized baby hammock. Like most things, the baby hammock was invented out of a desperate need for help. I remember the early days of parenthood me and my wife Kerstin suffering as our precious baby struggled to sleep. Well-meaning friends offered advice. The doctors assured me that everything was okay. I read baby sleep books and tried all of the tricks. Nothing helped, and I felt completely lost. 

We Have a Solution 


Finally, I found something that worked. One night, at my wit's end, I discovered that every time I put my newborn into a blanket and swung it back and forth, the baby relaxed. I couldn't keep at it forever, though, so I began to experiment with using the motor from a toy car. I kept trying new things, and the first motorized baby hammock was born - right in my basement! The rest is history. 

My Original Dream Continues Today

From the very start, my dream was to protect children by helping both parents and their newborns get the sleep they need. I have always said that if our product saves even one child from being shaken, I've reached my goal. We've been building safe baby hammocks for more than 22 years, and since our relaunch in 2015, more babies have been able to drift peacefully to sleep than I ever imagined possible. Every time I see the look of relief wash over a parent's face as their newborn falls asleep, I am again reassured that I'm on the right track. After all, a rested baby means a rested parent, and a rested parent means a safe child.

Sweet dreams!