Why We Avoid Blue LEDs in Our Baby Products

As parents, we want only the best for our children, especially during the first months of life when they're developing so rapidly. At swing2sleep, we're dedicated to the health and well-being of our youngest customers. That's why we don't use blue LEDs in our baby products. In this article, we'd like to explain our decision and show you how it contributes to protecting your loved ones.

Blue Lights in Babyproducts

Blue Light for Babies - swing2sleep Explains

Sleep Quality and Melatonin

Blue light, emitted by LEDs and screens among other sources, has a significant impact on babies' sleep-wake cycle. It suppresses the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, which can lead to sleep disruptions. At swing2sleep, we understand the importance of restful sleep for babies' physical and mental development. That's why we consciously avoid blue LEDs, enabling better sleep for your child.

Eye Development and Myopia Risk

Studies have shown that excessive exposure to blue light can increase the risk of myopia (shortsightedness). While the exact relationships are not yet fully understood, we at swing2sleep aren't willing to take any risks. Our baby products are designed to protect and promote your child's eye development by avoiding blue LEDs.

swing2sleep - A Safe and Healthy Environment for Your Baby

Health and Safety Come First

swing2sleep is committed to the health and safety of babies. We believe it's our responsibility to develop products that meet the highest standards and consider the needs of our youngest customers. Our avoidance of blue LEDs is another step toward providing the best possible environment for your baby.

At swing2sleep, we're proud to offer products that not only address your little ones' needs but also take parents' concerns seriously. By avoiding blue LEDs in our baby products, we aim to contribute to a healthier and safer environment for your child. We're convinced that good sleep and healthy eye development are crucial in giving your baby the best possible start in life. With swing2sleep, you can be sure that your child's well-being is always our focus.


Maik Schwede

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Copenhagen, Denmark