The captivating benefits of rocking while sleeping: How Swing2sleep is based on scientific findings

Rocking has been a trusted method for centuries to soothe babies and help them fall asleep. But did you know that rocking while sleeping actually has numerous scientifically proven benefits for babies? In this blog post, we'll explore various studies that demonstrate the positive effects of rocking on sleep, and explain how the innovative swing2sleep product leverages these insights to make babies and parents happy and content.

Horizontal rocking is more effective as a sedative

The soft fabric that surrounds the baby in the swing2sleep naturally conforms to the baby's shape, ensuring they feel safe and comfortable. A gentle horizontal rocking motion easily lulls babies to sleep. Pederson (1969) showed that horizontal rocking is more effective as a sedative than vertical rocking.

Studies on the influence of rocking on babies

Studies on the influence of rocking on babies have found that babies sleep better when they are gently rocked or swung (Pederson, 1969).

This is because the rhythmic movement mimics the gentle rocking they felt in the womb (Barnard, 1972).

The gentle rocking gives babies a sense of security and comfort, which helps them sleep better.

Neal (1968) found that babies rocked by a cradle or hammock showed significant improvements in terms of weight gain, motor maturation, auditory and visual responses, and muscle tension responses compared to babies who did not receive such stimulation.

Barnard (1973) also noted that babies stimulated by the rocking motion of the baby cradle develop more pronounced sleep patterns earlier, show significant increases in the duration and length of quiet sleep, and score higher on a general measure of motor maturity.

University of Geneva: Rocking for better brain development

Researchers at the University of Geneva have published a study showing that rocking while sleeping promotes brain development. The study examined the effects of rocking movements on sleep and found that these movements improve sleep quality and increase synchronous activity in the brain.

The scientists found that rocking while sleeping improves the processing of sensory impressions, which is crucial for healthy brain development. This is especially important for newborns and infants who are still developing their sensory skills.

Swing2sleep uses these findings by offering gentle rocking movements through its patented spring technology, which supports babies' sleep and promotes their brain development. The design of the swing2sleep also promotes sensory integration and helps babies reduce stress and relax.

Studies and their sources investigating the benefits of rocking while sleeping

University of Lausanne: Improved sleep quality through rocking

A study from the University of Lausanne has shown that rocking while sleeping is soothing and improves sleep quality. The researchers found that rocking movements facilitate the transition to deep sleep and extend sleep duration. This is especially important for babies who have difficulty getting enough sleep due to sleep problems or restlessness.

Swing2sleep offers a solution with smarla by adapting to the baby's changing sleep (partial awakening) and using a technology for rocking movements to soothe babies and help them easily transition to deep sleep. The swing2sleep was designed to mimic the natural rhythm, which helps relax babies and allows them a restful sleep.

University of Zurich: The benefits of rocking for sensory integration

Studies from the University of Zurich have shown that gentle rocking while sleeping not only relaxes but also supports development. The researchers discovered that rocking promotes sensory integration and reduces stress. Sensory integration is the process by which the brain processes and interprets sensory impressions from the environment. Good sensory integration is crucial for the cognitive, emotional, and motor development of babies.

The swing2sleep cradles consider these findings and offer gentle rocking movements that help babies develop their sensory skills and reduce stress. By improving sensory integration, swing2sleep helps babies better adjust to their environment and deal with new experiences and challenges.

Washington University School of Medicine: Rocking and the processing of sensory impressions

A study from the Washington University School of Medicine has shown that rocking while sleeping supports babies' brain development, particularly in the area of processing sensory impressions. The researchers found that rocking movements calm the body and improve the processing of sensory impressions. This ability is crucial for the emotional and cognitive development of babies.

The swing2sleep builds on this research and offers gentle rocking movements that help relax babies' bodies. By promoting the processing of sensory impressions, swing2sleep supports the emotional and cognitive development of babies and helps them better cope with their environment.

Summary: Swing2sleep and the benefits of rocking while sleeping

The swing2sleep cradle is an innovative product based on scientific findings and offers numerous benefits for babies and their parents. By utilizing the results of various studies that show the positive effects of rocking while sleeping, swing2sleep supports brain development, improves sleep quality, and promotes babies' sensory integration.

Parents who use the swing2sleep cradle can be confident that they are providing their babies with a safe and effective method to relax, sleep better, and promote their development. The swing2sleep is not just a practical tool for everyday life but also an investment in your baby's future.

Closing words

Based on scientific studies and insights, swing2sleep offers a solution that makes both babies and parents happy. With the benefits of rocking while sleeping, such as promoting brain development, improving sleep quality, and supporting sensory integration, swing2sleep is a valuable companion for any parent who wants to give their baby the best possible start in life. Try swing2sleep today and see for yourself how it can positively impact your baby's life and your own.

Studies and their sources investigating the benefits of rocking while sleeping:

Bayer, L., Constantinescu, I., Perrig, S., Vienne, J., Vidal, P. P., Mühlethaler, M., & Schwartz, S. (2011). Rocking synchronizes brain waves during a short nap. Current Biology, 21(12), R461-R462. Perrault, A. A., Khani, A., Quairiaux, C., Kompotis, K., Franken, P., Muhlethaler, M., & Schwartz, S. (2019). Whole-night continuous rocking entrains spontaneous neural oscillations with benefits for sleep and memory. Current Biology, 29(3), 402-411. Barnard, K. (1973). The effect of stimulation on the sleep behavior of the premature infant. Communicating nursing research, 6, 12-33.

Barnard, K. E. (1972). The effect of stimulation on the duration and amount of sleep and wakefulness in the premature infant. PhD Thesis, University of Washington.

Neal, M. (1968). Vestibular stimulation and developmental behavior of the small, premature infant. Nursing Research Reports, 3, 2-5

Pederson, D. R., Champagne, L. & Pederson, L. L. (1969). Relative Soothing Effects of Vertical and Horizontal Rocking. ERIC Number: ED046504.

Please note that not all of the above studies relate solely to babies, but they illustrate the effects of rocking on sleep. Further studies are needed to investigate the specific effects of rocking on babies and their development.

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